Thursday, November 10, 2011

toys R fuss.

 so i took it upon myself to save the horrific sad little life of an innocent child and the appearance of their toy chest. [for where one stores their toys is a big deal, you know]

  i refused to take  a before picture. i just couldn't bring myself to snap. 
[think primary colored butterfly's and flowers on a poo-poo pink and puke purple chest.] 

i'm not hating on this chest.... it just doesn't make me blush. 
okay, i lied. i am hating. 

it was terrible. awful. it made me cringe for the child who once had to hide their toys, the things they love, behind the walls of that thing. i pushed it in front of all the other projects on my to-do list and sprinkled it with a touch of sunshine.
sorry for all the shadows. 
it just comes natural with the ole' crackberry camera.


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